"He is way better than a consultant. Joe is a partner...”
Ericca Maas
Close Gaps by 5
"Joe has a unique talent to listen to everyone on a complex issue and come up with creative ways to communicate..."
Lee Munnich
U of MN, Humphrey School of Public Affairs
"Joe uses detailed information to create messages focused on what is big and real."
Duane Benson
MN Early Learning Foundation
"Joe is one of the most creative communications professionals I know..."
Jan K. Malcolm
Former Minnesota Commissioner of Health
"He's the wise, diplomatic, high-integrity partner you want in your corner..."
Gary Hornseth
"Joe is someone that I regularly turn to for help with our most sensitive issues."
Ted Johnson
Minnesota Timberwolves
"In a word, Joe rocks."
Tracy Fischman
Prepare + Prosper
"Joe boils it down into...action steps that move change forward."
Carolyn C. Link
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of MN Foundation
"We are thrilled with the results of our new strategy..."
Gina Baas
U of MN, Center for Transportation Studies
"Joe provided the leadership and expertise we needed..."
Marie Dotseth
Minnesota Alliance for Patient Safety (MAPS)
"Joe is one of the best communication professionals I've had the pleasure to work with."
Michele Vig
Caribou Coffee
"Joe makes us all look good."
Patrick Hunt
Hunt Adkins advertising
"When you consider what your reputation is worth, a guy like Joe is worth his weight in gold."
Eric Johnson
Avenet Web Solutions
"(Joe's) ability to craft our message has helped to catapult our agency forward to new heights."
Amelia Franck Meyer
Anu Family Services
"Joe brought great insight, perspective and strategic thought to our process."
Steve Erpenbach
South Dakota State University Foundation
"It was Joe's talented leadership that kept the Minnesota (tobacco lawsuit public relations) moving forward..."
Hubert H. Humphrey III
Former Minnesota Attorney General
"Joe led a multi-company team...to develop one of the most interesting and effective campaigns I've ever been associated with..."
Don Kvam
Campbell Mithun advertising
"Joe is great at cutting through complexity in search of the essential core..."
Barbara Balik
Allina Hospitals & Clinics
"...Joe has been one of the staff members whose talents I value most."
Thomas A. Daschle
Former U.S. Senate Majority Leader
"He has a unique blend of marketing, communications, public relations and crisis management, which means he can see all the angles..."
Shannon Beaudin Klein
"...he has always provided counsel in a way that builds trust and consensus."
Andrea Mowery
ClearWay Minnesota
"Joe does it all--media advocacy, advertising agency management, strategic planning, and more..."
Marc Manley, M.D.
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of MN
"I am continually impressed by his expertise..."
Barbara Rohde
U. of MN, School of Public Affairs
"He is an unparalleled strategic thinker..."
Sarah Stoesz
Planned Parenthood MN/SD